In my earlier projects at Wongnai, I figured out that users look at photos first when they look for a restaurant. I created a grid view for the search result screen. Now it’s time to revamp the traditional search result.
Many apps have a 16dp margin on the left and the right of the screen. Wongnai did use 16dp but it wasn’t consistent across all screens. To maximize screen real estate, I set the standard for the Wongnai app at 12dp. I would have gone for 8dp but many devices such as Samsung Galaxy S8 have curved screens so I leave some space for the curve.
Design 01
For the search result screen which needs to contain a lot of information we made an exception and go for 8dp margin.
Users judge a restaurant by the photo before they become interested in the details I tried enlarging the photo but it leaves even less space for the content like the name of the restaurant.
Smarter Badges / Widget
I made some changes that seem small but definitely work better. The new Average Score takes up less space and is easier to read.

We didn’t run A/B Testing because this is the direction that we want to go per CEO’s decision. Of course, running A/B Test would be better but I still feel confident with this design since we developed it from user insight.